Ostallos hints formation of new party

The formation of a new party is on the cards and blue seems to be the new colour for the new party

By Kumbirai Mutengo

Feb 6, 2024

Citizens Coalition for Change (CCC) dismissed reports of a formation of a new political party by Nelson Chamisa after months of political divisions within CCC. CCC has been rocked by political divisions with one faction being led by Sengezo Tshabangu and the other by Nelson Chamisa with Gift Ostallos Siziba as his right hand man. According to Studio 7 social media was awash with the news that Nelson Chamisa had formed another political party after CCC deputy spokesperson Gift Ostallos Siziba posted a message on X indicating that Chamisa is the leader of the ‘Democratic Alternative in Zimbabwe.’ CCC is divided along tribal lines with Tendai Biti being accused of fanning factionalism. Tshabangu who is the self-appointed interim secretary general is the one who has been recalling Members of Parliament (MPs) from Parliament and has caused confusion in the party. Tshabangu has been signing papers for double candidates during by elections which has caused confusion within CCC. On the other hand ZANU PF is being accused of propping Tshabangu giving him power to recall MPs and councilors. CCC spokesperson Promise Mkwananzi told VOA Studio 7 that the post by Siziba did not imply that Chamisa has formed a party. ‘CCC led by Advocate Nelson Chamisa is Zimbabwe’s democratic alternative. We shall rejoice,’ said Mkwananzi. The opposition is currently in a state of confusion with rampant factionalism at its peak. The opposition has grown to be weak to face ZANU PF especially in the rural areas where ZANU PF enjoys great support. The main opposition party CCC should pull its socks up and put their house in order otherwise ZANU PF will continue to win elections in the next decade. According to political experts Chamisa is expected to form a new political party with a constitution and structures. Without political structures a political party will be taken over by fly by the night chancers like Sengezo Tshabangu.

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